your choice.

Having personally experienced increasing and unmanaged stress that ultimately led to serious burnout (and everything that came with it), I can now shine the light for you to help you see your own blind spots. Together we will navigate around the barriers that are getting in the way of you experiencing perfect radiant health and the life you’ve always imagined!  

I am committed to helping you identify the cleverly disguised warning signs that are trying to tell you that you and your life are out of alignment with what’s most important to you. We will look at the decisions you’re making today, how they’re tripping you up now, and how they might mess with your future. 

We’ll customize a simple yet proven plan that guides you safely and swiftly back to being healthy, whole, and happy so that you can carry on being the brilliant and beautiful badass human we both know you are! 

You don’t have to suffer another day. You can be free of the old limiting beliefs that have you working so damn hard to prove yourself.

I invite you to draw a line in the sand and declare, “I’ve had enough! I’ve proven enough! I AM ENOUGH!” and then get out there and start living…for YOU! 

how we can work together

12-Session Package:

From Burnout to Breakthrough

  • You get twelve (12) up to 60-minute sessions with me 1-on-1, over Zoom, which you can use and schedule as you like over a 120-day period (4 months).  
  • You have access to me through email, text, or voice messaging between sessions. When I said, “I got you,” I meant it. You don’t ever have to feel stuck, alone, or confused on my watch.  
  • You will be invited to join our private Permanent Results Coaching Facebook community. It’s an open space to gather with like-minded humans who just might need to hear about your wins and waaahs along the way. We will have a smorgasbord of info and inspo to keep reminding you why you chose this new way of being for yourself and your life.    
  • You’ll have access to an online client portal where you can send/receive documents, schedule/move appointments, see how many sessions you have left…and purchase more!
  • And yes… you will be asked to complete weekly action steps between sessions so that the work we’re doing together sticks. Don’t worry, the results you see by doing them will actually inspire and motivate you to keep going! (Besides, it costs way more $$ if I have to move in with you! 😊) 

let's do this!

90-Minute Breakthrough Session:

  • You get one (1) up to 90-minute session with me 1-on-1, over Zoom.
  • Our focus will be solely on what’s needing the most attention in that moment; whatever is at the top of your list to work on.  
  • Because of our limited time for this session, I will not only be your cheerleader but also your tough-love coach, gently guiding the conversation back if it veers off course. Lots of looking FORWARD!
  • Included in this package, you get one (1) up to 30-minute follow-up call with me, by phone or Zoom, to answer any questions, navigate any waaahs, and celebrate all the wins related to the topic we worked through in your original session. 

i'm ready!

FREE Clarity Call

  • If still unsure about where you are and what you need, start here. 
  • Let’s hop on a 45-minute Zoom call to take a look at what you’re dealing with, where you’re at on the stress to burnout spectrum, what you desire, and what needs to happen in order to get your energy and mojo back.
  • It’s also a great way for us to see if we’re a good fit for working together going forward.  
  • I can’t wait to meet you!

inquire within

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