Meet Shanda

Certified Health & Life Coach

I'm Shanda Young.

I’m a Health & Life Coach with 18 years of experience as a fitness & weight-loss coach, franchise owner, corporate mentor, and… 

Does it feel like your occasional stress just isn’t going away like it used to, and you’ve tried everything you know just to feel alive again… but it’s just not working?

In fact, is what you’re doing (or maybe considering doing) to mask the pain of just getting through your day starting to feel a little scary? 

maybe desperate?

even dangerous?

I get you…because I’ve been there too.

I’m a Health & Life Coach with 18 years of experience as a fitness & weight-loss coach, franchise owner, corporate mentor, and… 

Does it feel like your occasional stress just isn’t going away like it used to, and you’ve tried everything you know just to feel alive again… but it’s just not working?

In fact, is what you’re doing (or maybe considering doing) to mask the pain of just getting through your day starting to feel a little scary? 

maybe desperate?

even dangerous?

I get you…because I’ve been there too.


a burnout survivor.

This is what chronic stress and burnout looks like:

✖︎ not sleeping well or waking up feeling like you didn’t sleep at all
✖︎ feeling constantly fatigued or exhausted, like it hurts to stand up
✖︎ more easily irritated and having a shorter fuse
✖︎ gaining weight, but too tired to do anything about it
✖︎ mentally and emotionally checked out
✖︎ having less and less time for people, even friends and family
✖︎ falling asleep while driving, in parking lots, or sitting in waiting rooms
✖︎ eating poorly; too much, too little, unhealthy in general
✖︎ drinking coffee or taking other buzzy things to get through your day
✖︎ needing just a little something to relax and sleep at night
✖︎ increased difficulty making decisions
✖︎ spending money you don’t have on treatments that don’t help
✖︎ experiencing chronic forgetfulness
✖︎ losing confidence and trust in yourself
✖︎ noticing that once annoying aches and pains have become intolerable
✖︎ feeling burdened by normal responsibilities and duties
✖︎ feeling a sense of hopelessness, like, “Why bother!”
✖︎ awareness that you’re accomplishing less and less in the time available
✖︎ being embarrassed to tell anyone what’s really going on with you

…just to name a few…

✖︎ Headache
✖︎ Chronic back pain
✖︎ Chest pain
✖︎ Abdominal cramps
✖︎ Mouth ulcers
✖︎ Diarrhea
✖︎ Teeth grinding
✖︎ Indigestion
✖︎ Skin rash
✖︎ Frequent colds
✖︎ Muscle loss
✖︎ Allergies
✖︎ Adrenal exhaustion
✖︎ Sinusitis
✖︎ Autoimmune disorders
✖︎ Hormone imbalances
✖︎ Nerve dysfunction
✖︎ Depleted neurotransmitters

PLUS …these frustrating physical symptoms!

In fact, I’m going to share something with you that I’ve never felt brave enough to fully admit before. (I couldn’t even tell my mom.) During my eight-year battle with chronic stress and debilitating burnout, I experienced all but four of these side effects.  

At one point, I hit bottom. For the first time in my life, I felt hopeless. Tough little independent me was scared. I wasn’t suicidal, but I knew I didn’t want to keep living if it stayed this way. Although I managed to get up and slog through work every day like this, I couldn’t take one more night of pain, praying for relief, and crying myself to sleep.  

I know that if my childhood thoughts and beliefs hadn’t been hard wired to win and to prove my worthiness and enoughness, or if I didn’t arrogantly think that I was handling everything better than most, I might’ve recognized the warning signs earlier and learned to prioritize self-care, stress-management, and healing as a daily practice…

If those things above sound like what you’re experiencing right now, I want you to know you’re not alone. I truly can relate to what you’re going through.

because I'm worth it

...and so are YOU!

If you let your symptoms progress, as science tells us they will, it could be too late to course correct without clinical intervention.

If any of this is hitting close to home for you, then you’re probably ready to know what the hell is going on with your brain and body, ready to take new actions, and you might already know that what you need is a new approach and a proven method for healing. You might also know that you’ll need compassion, clarity, and unwavering support along the way.  

That’s why you’re here. What you’ve been doing to manage your stress, squeeze in some self-care, and pretend on the outside that everything is just fine…is no longer working.  

Going from an unmanageable life to feeling fulfilled and having fun took me a
couple years.  

And, if I’m being honest, I still have to be diligent in protecting my time, energy, and priorities. Only now, I pay attention to the subtle signs that I’ve taken on too much or feel like I’m veering off course, and I know just what to do to bring balance back to my life.

I no longer feel ashamed, lazy, embarrassed, or guilty when I slow down or even stop to rest and recharge.

Now, I don’t know where you are on the stress spectrum…anywhere from simply stressed to seriously sidelined…but here’s what I DO know:

The bottom line is…You don’t have to wait to see how this plays out.

You can have more energy and be more productive starting now

Piles of research tells us it doesn’t end well if we don’t make major changes.

I want to save you time, energy, money, frustration, and fear, so you can recalibrate your body, your brain, and your beliefs, and start spending your precious resources on all the things that LIGHT YOU UP INSIDE so you can get back to shining your light on the outside. The world needs your sparkle!

Read my Journey ⟶

My journey through total burnout is the reason I'm a coach.

The things I learned and discovered after hitting bottom are the things I now share with my clients. It's the why I do what I do.

While it's painful to look back on, it's a valuable life lesson I'm so incredibly grateful for.

My Story

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