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NLP 101

This corner of my blog posts is where I will be sharing one of the most exciting things to come my way since bamboo toilet paper!  

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum biology, and transformation are all terms that you will be hearing more and more of, if you haven’t already.  Science is discovering that our deeply rooted thoughts and beliefs can actually alter our DNA!  

In this space, I will be sharing more about the brain than you maybe ever wanted to know.  Why?  Because the more you know about the brain and its neuroplastic properties, the more you will learn about how reprogramming or rewiring the brain’s deeply grooved pathways can benefit you, your life, and your loved ones.  

It also finally explains why we struggle to adopt and maintain new positive thoughts, empowering beliefs, and healthy habits that we know would dramatically improve the quality of our lives.  Fascinating stuff!  I’m glad you’re here to learn what’s possible for you in the ever expanding area of brain science.  

NLP: An Art Being Practiced Increasingly to Improve Quality of Life

Some years back, NLP was a selective concept. The reason we say so is because not many people actually realized how this technique could help them deal with their daily lives. As a result, you could find people using this technique rather selectively. But, over a period of time, as principles of NLP started finding correlation with any domain that requires you to communicate, NLP no longer was a selective concept in principle.

There has been some criticism of this technique, mostly coming from expert psychotherapists. According to these medical professionals, this technique does little to enhance the behavioral patterns of human beings, making us believe that changes, if any, influenced by this technique, could at best be short lived.  Those of us who have studied this methodology for many decades, know that Western medical practitioners often consider ancient ways of healing and improving wellbeing are considered to be woo-woo unless they are taught in medical school or found in their textbooks.   This opinion has allowed many to think of this technique as being subjective in nature. 

Despite all the criticism of this technique, it must be appreciated that NLP has found a great deal of use in all business-related domains. In this competitive world where no inch is given or taken and where every piece of communication is considered critical, NLP allows the communication to be precise, crisp, and clear. More importantly, using this technique allows a great deal of flexibility to be granted to this technique due to the vastness of this methodology.

In addition to having a better understanding of their limitations and beliefs, people can be more flexible with their communication with the help of NLP. In domains like sales, marketing, consulting, and others, where communication is considered to be critical to the implementation of work functions, NLP techniques have proven to be invaluable. Even in a domain like healthcare where technical abilities are a must, and what’s more needed is the patient to be comforted during the course of the treatment, NLP techniques have managed to carve out a niche.

There is a great deal of change in how NLP techniques have been used over the years. While in its early days, it was only used in places where communication played a central role in the work function, what you see today is a bit different. When you compare what’s happening on the healthcare front with respect to NLP, you would understand that NLP techniques can be implemented even at times when they may not have a critical role to the work function.

At the end of the day, people should remember one thing – If there is a technique that helps them improve the quality of their lives, it is worth looking into. NLP does this, and there is no reason to dismiss it.

I will be sharing more about NLP 101, dispelling its’ myths, explaining how it works, and why you might want to pay attention.

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