the blog

health, wellness, mindset, &
self-care for business owners & go-getters

This corner of my blog posts is where I will be sharing one of the most exciting things to come my way since bamboo toilet paper!   Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum biology, and transformation are all terms that you will be hearing more and more of, if you haven’t already.  Science is discovering that […]

Because living clean tastes and feels so good!! Many people today are switching from our typical American animal fat-laden diet to a cleaner, healthier way of eating.  You’ve no doubt heard of plant-based diets by now or seen that once small section at the grocery store or on restaurant menus grow bigger and bigger with […]

For nearly two decades, I coached and mentored thousands of women to reach their health and weight-loss goals.  It was sometime between 2014 and 2017 that I grew my gym membership to be the largest in the country.  I started with 98 members in 2004 and worked my ass off to get to 640 members […]

Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my website. I haven’t started posting blogs yet, but it’s coming in the near future! Please stay tuned, and feel free to reach out to me if you need help with anything. Thanks, Shanda

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